Dr Stepien E A – Paediatrician in Springs: This is a page about Dr Stepien E A, which includes practice location address, contact information for appointment booking and specialisation.
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What does Dr Stepien E A specialises on?
Dr Stepien E A is a qualified and a reccommended doctor in Paediatrician.
Learn a bit about what Paediatrician is all about
Paediatricians are doctors who manage medical conditions affecting infants, children and young people. Paediatrics can be divided into 4 main areas: general paediatrics – a hospital role covering children from birth to the age of 16. Most paediatricians have this generalist role.
What do they do?
Regular visits to the doctor can prevent health problems and sickness. It’s never a good idea to wait for a health problem to occur and then try to fix it. Your child’s pediatrician is there to work with you and help you to help your child to maintain wellness.
When to see the Doctor
Wellness visits can help doctors identify current health problems. Maybe your child always has the sniffles, or maybe he has a health issue without any symptoms. Your child’s pediatrician can identify those sniffles as an allergy, or help catch a more serious health problem before it’s too late.
Where is Dr Stepien E A Located?
Dr Stepien E A is located in Pollak Park Springs Gauteng.
The Practice Number for Dr Stepien E A is: 3204901.
How to book an appointment with Dr Stepien E A?
In order to book an appointment with Dr Stepien E A, please call: 011 – 8124093
Contact Details:
- Artemis Road
- Room Gf01 Life Springs Parkland Clinic
- 1559