Dr Skinner G C – Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist in Berea: This is a page about Dr Skinner G C, which includes practice location address, contact information for appointment booking and specialisation.
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What does Dr Skinner G C specialises on?
Dr Skinner G C is a qualified and a reccommended doctor in Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist.
Learn a bit about what Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist is all about
An ENT specialist will help you with all sorts of problems relating to your ear, nose and throat. However, when do you know that it’s time to go and see one? There are plenty of symptoms and signs to be on the lookout for
What do they do?
Otolaryngology is the medical specialty that deals with disorders and conditions of the ear, nose, and throat (ENT) region, and related areas of the head and neck. If you have a problem that is related to your ear, nose, or throat, you may need to see an ENT specialist, who is also called an ear, nose, and throat doctor or an otolaryngologist.
When to see the Doctor
Among the conditions that are commonly treated by an ear, nose, and throat doctor are:
Injury to your ears, nose, or throat
Nerve problems in your ears, nose, or throat
Balance problems
Hearing impairment
Ear infection
Tonsil or adenoid infection
Swimmer’s ear
Pain in your ears, nose, or throat
Ear, nose, or throat birth defects
Breathing problems
Down’s syndrome
Sinus problem
Growth or tumor in your ears, nose, or throat
Deviated septum
Undesired appearance of the nose or face
Cleft palate
Drooping of the eyelids
Hair loss
Nose bleeds
Nasal congestion
Problems with smell
Voice or swallowing problems
Sore throat
Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)
Where is Dr Skinner G C Located?
Dr Skinner G C is located in Glenwood Berea Kwazulu Natal.
The Practice Number for Dr Skinner G C is: 0146072.
How to book an appointment with Dr Skinner G C?
In order to book an appointment with Dr Skinner G C, please call: 031 – 2611976
Contact Details:
- Gladys Mzanzi Road
- 101 Medical Centre West
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