Dr Riaan Flooks – Physician (Nephrologist) Physician (Internal Medicine) at Mediclinic Bloemfontein

On this page, you will find information about Dr Riaan Flooks – Physician (Nephrologist)
Physician (Internal Medicine) at Mediclinic Bloemfontein.

About Dr Riaan Flooks – Physician (Nephrologist)
Physician (Internal Medicine)

Dr Riaan Flooks is a qualified doctor who works at Mediclinic Bloemfontein as a Physician (Nephrologist)
Physician (Internal Medicine).

Some Relevant Insights:

Are you seeking to understand the intricate role of a Physician (Nephrologist) at Mediclinic? Nephrologists are medical specialists focusing on kidney health, including its structure, function, diseases, and management. They play a crucial role in diagnosing, treating, and managing various kidney-related conditions. Here’s what their role involves:

Comprehensive Care for Kidney Health: Nephrologists are skilled in handling a wide range of kidney-related issues, from acute kidney injuries to chronic kidney diseases (CKD). They are adept at treating conditions such as nephritis, kidney stones, and hypertension, which can impact kidney function.

Preventive Medicine: A significant part of their role involves focusing on the prevention of kidney diseases. This includes conducting routine check-ups, evaluating patients for risk factors like diabetes and high blood pressure, and implementing strategies to prevent the progression of kidney disease.

Diagnosis of Complex Kidney Illnesses: Nephrologists have specialized training in identifying complex kidney problems. They utilize advanced diagnostic tools, including blood tests, urine tests, and imaging studies, to accurately diagnose kidney diseases and their severity.

Management of Chronic Kidney Diseases: They provide continuous care for patients suffering from chronic kidney conditions, offering treatments and monitoring to manage these diseases effectively. This includes guiding patients on dialysis options, preparing for kidney transplantation, and advising on lifestyle and dietary adjustments to support kidney health.

Coordination of Care: Nephrologists often collaborate with other specialists and healthcare providers to offer a cohesive treatment plan, especially for patients with conditions that affect kidney health, such as diabetes and hypertension. They ensure that all aspects of a patient’s health are addressed, promoting an integrated approach to care.

Patient Education and Support: Educating patients about their kidney health and treatment options is a vital part of a nephrologist’s role. They empower patients to make informed decisions regarding their care and support them through lifestyle changes, medication management, and the complexities of chronic kidney disease management.

Visiting a Physician (Nephrologist) at Mediclinic means receiving specialized care focused on maintaining and improving kidney health. Their expertise in diagnosing and managing kidney diseases, along with a strong emphasis on preventive care, positions nephrologists as essential providers for patients requiring specialized kidney care.

Dr Riaan Flooks Qualifications and Accreditations

HPC Reg No: MP0506583

Practice No: 180000388041


1998 MBChB, Medunsa

2005 MMed (Int), Colleges of Medicine

2008 Cert Nephrology (SA), Colleges of Medicine

Dr Riaan Flooks’s Consultation Fees

Dr Riaan Flooks’s Consultation Fees vary based on several factors, including the type of consultation (initial visit, follow-up, specialized treatment), the complexity of the medical issue being addressed, and whether the patient is covered by medical aid or paying in cash. Additionally, fees may differ for procedures or tests that are conducted during the consultation. Lastly, to ensure you have the most current information on Dr Riaan Flooks’s consultation fee structure for both medical aid and cash patients, please use the contacts below to inquire about the latest rates.

Dr Riaan Flooks Contacts

Tel: 051 4446190

Physical Address: Suite H16, Mediclinic Bloemfontein, Cnr Kellner Str & Parfitt Ave, Bloemfontein, 9301

Practice Location: Mediclinic Bloemfontein

Email Address: flooks@neph.bfnmcc.co.za

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