Dr Mfenyana T – Dermatologist in Soshanguve

Dr Mfenyana T – Dermatologist in Soshanguve: This is a page about Dr Mfenyana T, which includes practice location address, contact information for appointment booking and specialisation.

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What does Dr Mfenyana T specialises on?

Dr Mfenyana T is a qualified and a reccommended doctor in Dermatologist.

Learn a bit about what Dermatologist is all about

Dermatology is an area of medicine that focuses on health issues affecting the skin, hair, nails, and mucous membranes.

The skin is the largest organ of the body. It is also the first line of defense against pathogens and injury, and it can be a good indicator of overall health.

What do they do?

Dermatologists can treat more than 3,000 conditions. Below are some examples of those that they see most commonly:

Acne: Among the most prevalent skin issues, acne has a range of causes that can lead to different types of pimples. Some people experience scarring, low self-esteem, and other complications.

Dermatitis and eczema: Dermatitis is inflammation of the skin, and it typically leads to swelling with an itchy rash. There are various forms, including atopic dermatitis, which is the most common type of eczema.

Fungal infections: These are common and sometimes involve the skin, nails, and hair. A group of yeasts called Candida can cause a wide range of fungal infections, including oral thrush, ringworm, athlete’s foot, and balanitis.

When to see the Doctor

1. A mole or patch of skin that’s changed—If a mole or patch of your skin has changed in color, size, shape, or symptom you better see a dermatologist. Such changes like those are often signs of skin cancer, and when it comes to cancer you want treatment sooner rather than later. Your dermatologist can also help you learn how to do regular skin checkups or screenings.

2. Stubborn acne—You’ve tried over-the-counter products, fad diets, and cleanses, but your acne is still front and center. There is no shame is seeing a dermatologist to help you deal with this skin condition. Get some recommendations on how to put your best face forward.

3. Itchy hives or rashes that won’t go away—Are you having an allergic reaction? Do you have an infection in your skin? See a dermatologist and get some answers. They may prescribe medications or recommend another form of treatment to smooth things over.

Where is Dr Mfenyana T Located?

Dr Mfenyana T is located in Soshanguve Soshanguve Gauteng.

The Practice Number for Dr Mfenyana T is:  0824283.

How to book an appointment with Dr Mfenyana T?

In order to book an appointment with Dr Mfenyana T, please call: 021 – 9496611

Contact Details:

  • 212 Buitekant Street
  • 1a Botshilu Private Hospital
  • 0152

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