Dr Khumalo B F And Partners – Physician in Soweto

Dr Khumalo B F And Partners – Physician in Soweto: This is a page about Dr Khumalo B F And Partners, which includes practice location address, contact information for appointment booking and specialisation.

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What does Dr Khumalo B F And Partners specialises on?

Dr Khumalo B F And Partners is a qualified and a reccommended doctor in Physician.

Learn a bit about what Physician is all about

Physicians diagnose and treat injuries or illnesses. Physicians examine patients; take medical histories; prescribe medications; and order, perform, and interpret diagnostic tests. They often counsel patients on diet, hygiene, and preventive healthcare.

What do they do?

Physicians and surgeons typically do the following:

Take a patient’s medical history
Update charts and patient information to show current findings and treatments
Order tests for nurses or other healthcare staff to perform
Review test results to identify any abnormal findings
Recommend and design a plan of treatment
Address concerns or answer questions that patients have about their health and well-being
Help patients take care of their health by discussing topics such as proper nutrition and hygiene

When to see the Doctor

The most common type of physician is a primary care physician, also known as a family doctor. They’re trained to treat a little bit of everything and coordinate care in one location. Some of the most common issues that they handle are:

Circulatory issues like hypertension and high blood pressure
Diabetes, metabolic diseases, and immunity disorders
Ear infections
Pink eye
Infections and parasitic diseases
Joint disorders or muscle aches
Mental disorders like attention deficit disorder (ADD), depression, or anxiety
Physical injury or poisoning
Respiratory issues like asthma, bronchitis, or sinusitis
Skin rashes or bumps
Bladder or urinary tract infections (UTIs)

Where is Dr Khumalo B F And Partners Located?

Dr Khumalo B F And Partners is located in Dobsonville Soweto Gauteng.

The Practice Number for Dr Khumalo B F And Partners is:  1807552.

How to book an appointment with Dr Khumalo B F And Partners?

In order to book an appointment with Dr Khumalo B F And Partners, please call: 011 – 9830560

Contact Details:

  • Roodepoort Road
  • Tshepo Themba Clinic
  • 1863

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