On this page, you will find information about Dr Adele Greyling – Paediatrician (Cardiology) at Mediclinic Vergelegen.
About Dr Adele Greyling – Paediatrician (Cardiology)
Dr Adele Greyling is a qualified doctor who works at Mediclinic Vergelegen as a Paediatrician (Cardiology).
Some Relevant Insights:
Dr Adele Greyling Qualifications and Accreditations
HPC Reg No: MP 0522368
Practice No: 032 013 0323500
1999 MBChB, University of Pretoria
2005 MRCPCH (UK), Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health
2007 FC Paed (SA), Colleges of Medicine
Dr Adele Greyling’s Consultation Fees
Dr Adele Greyling’s Consultation Fees vary based on several factors, including the type of consultation (initial visit, follow-up, specialized treatment), the complexity of the medical issue being addressed, and whether the patient is covered by medical aid or paying in cash. Additionally, fees may differ for procedures or tests that are conducted during the consultation. Lastly, to ensure you have the most current information on Dr Adele Greyling’s consultation fee structure for both medical aid and cash patients, please use the contacts below to inquire about the latest rates.
Dr Adele Greyling Contacts
Tel: 021 840 7263
Physical Address: Suite 18, Second Floor, Block 3,
Practice Location: Mediclinic Vergelegen
Email Address: Dradelegreyling@gmail.com