Dr Janse Van Rensburg J L – Anaesthetists in Kimberley: This is a page about Dr Janse Van Rensburg J L, which includes practice location address, contact information for appointment booking and specialisation.
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What does Dr Janse Van Rensburg J L specialises on?
Dr Janse Van Rensburg J L is a qualified and a reccommended doctor in Anaesthetists.
Learn a bit about what Anaesthetists is all about
Anaesthetists are specialist doctors who are responsible for providing anaesthesia to patients for operations and procedures. In addition anaesthetists have a range of practice which extends beyond anaesthesia for surgery to include pain management and intensive care. Regional anesthetic – Regional anesthetic numbs a specific portion of the body. Cesarean sections are done with a regional anesthetic.
Local anesthetic – A local anesthetic blocks sensations in small areas. Dentists use local anesthesia when numbing a jaw or gums.
General anesthetic – A general anesthetic renders the patient unconscious.
What do they do?
Administer the appropriate anesthetic.
Continuously monitor vital signs including pulse, blood pressure, temperature, and respiration.
Control IV for intravenous fluids which control dehydration and allows the administration of medications through the drip.
Ensure the safety of the patient and take appropriate steps to avoid any injuries to the patient’s body during the anesthetic period.
Manage any anesthetic complications.
Monitor the level and depth of anesthesia; make adjustments as needed.
Perform blood transfusions when necessary.
Recognize potentially life-threatening emergencies and perform timely interventions.
When to see the Doctor
When you are a bout to have a surgery an anaesthetist will be very useful in the process. Surgery would be a far more unpleasant experience if it weren’t for anesthesiologists. These specialists give you medicine to prevent pain and, if necessary, make sure you sleep through your procedure.
Where is Dr Janse Van Rensburg J L Located?
Dr Janse Van Rensburg J L is located in Eltoro Park Kimberley Northern Cape.
The Practice Number for Dr Janse Van Rensburg J L is: 1007769.
How to book an appointment with Dr Janse Van Rensburg J L?
In order to book an appointment with Dr Janse Van Rensburg J L, please call: 053 – 8381111
Contact Details:
- 112 Cnr Mac Dougall & Petrus Street
- Room 109 Mediclinic Gariep
- 8301