Dr Drs Phatudi Ophthalmology – Ophthalmologist in Soweto: This is a page about Dr Drs Phatudi Ophthalmology, which includes practice location address, contact information for appointment booking and specialisation.
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What does Dr Drs Phatudi Ophthalmology specialises on?
Dr Drs Phatudi Ophthalmology is a qualified and a reccommended doctor in Ophthalmologist.
Learn a bit about what Ophthalmologist is all about
Ophthalmologists are medical doctors who have undergone specialist training to diagnose and treat conditions involving the eyes and vision. They perform a wide range of medical and vision tests, minor office procedures, and some surgeries.
What do they do?
When giving a comprehensive eye exam, an ophthalmologist will assess your vision and, if needed, find your eyeglass/contact lens prescription. They will test how your pupils respond to light, check the alignment of your eyes, and make sure the muscles that move your eyes are working properly. They will look for any early signs of eye problems such as cataracts or glaucoma and examine the back of your eye (retina) and optic nerve.
Ophthalmologists diagnose and treat injuries, infections, diseases, and disorders of the eye. Treatments can include medication taken orally (by mouth) or topically (in the eye), surgery, cryotherapy (freeze treatment), and chemotherapy (chemical treatment).
When to see the Doctor
– Loss of vision or decreased vision in one or both of your eyes
– Seeing sudden spots, flashes of light
– Seeing lightning streaks or jagged lines of light, distortions or wavy lines,
– Having wavy or watery vision, or seeing blurry faces, haloes around lights, double vision
– Changes in your field of vision such as seeing shadows, black spots or blurriness
– Having curtain-like loss of vision
– Note changes in your color vision
Where is Dr Drs Phatudi Ophthalmology Located?
Dr Drs Phatudi Ophthalmology is located in Protea Glen Soweto Gauteng.
The Practice Number for Dr Drs Phatudi Ophthalmology is: 0817872.
How to book an appointment with Dr Drs Phatudi Ophthalmology?
In order to book an appointment with Dr Drs Phatudi Ophthalmology, please call: 012 – 1104158
Contact Details:
- 14475 Isixaxabesha Street
- Advanced Soweto Day Hospital
- 1818